
Cookie Policy

Effective Date: July 20, 2023.

1. Who We Are

We, Crypto Hub Lithuania Association, with our registered office at Gedimino pr. 5-3, LT-01103 Vilnius, and company number 306316435, are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, disclose, transfer, and use ("process") the personal data you share with us, as well as the rights you have. Please read this policy carefully. We process personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. As data controllers and processors, we determine the purposes and means of processing personal data.

For any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy or our processing of your personal data, or if you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR, you can contact us via email:

2. How and for Which Purposes We Collect Your Personal Data

2.1 Contact Form

When you fill in the contact form on our website, we require certain information to respond to your questions or requests. The information collected through the contact form will only be used for the purpose of dealing with your request. For this purpose, we collect the following data:
- Full name
- Company name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Any additional information you provide regarding your project

You can also contact us via email at We process this information based on your consent as you freely provided this information.

2.2 Newsletter

If you register for our newsletter, your email address will be used to send you newsletters, including event invites and seminars organized by us. Other data fields are marked as "voluntary," and you can submit your question without filling in the additional requested information. For this purpose, we collect the following data:
- Name
- Email address

We process this information based on your consent as you provided this information freely.

2.3 Website Maintenance and Improvement

To improve our website, we offer the option to provide feedback through the Hotjar tool. Providing feedback, with or without the Hotjar tool, is optional and not mandatory for browsing our website. For this purpose, we collect the following data:
- Emoticon representing your general feeling about your experience
- Free text field
- Email address
- Connection with data related to visits (device-specific, usage data, cookies, behavior, and interactions) of previous and future visits, including combinations of feedback with any other feedback previously submitted from your device, location (limited to country), the language used, the technology used (device and browser), custom attributes (e.g., products or services you are using), your behavior and interactions (pages visited).

We also use Google Analytics and MS Dynamics to gain insights into website performance, conversion rates, and visitor metrics. Google Analytics and MS Dynamics use cookies to collect data. For more information on cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. We process this information based on our legitimate interests.

2.4 Job Applicants

We process the personal data of job applicants seeking employment with Crypto Hub Lithuania (potential) business relations, including clients, suppliers, and subcontractors who provide services for or on behalf of Crypto Hub Lithuania. The data collected depends on your relationship with us or the services you use within the association. For this purpose, we collect the following data:
- Name
- Curriculum vitae (CV), which may include:
- Address
- Place of residence
- Date of birth
- Telephone number
- Email address
- References
- Certificates

We process this information based on the execution of a (future) contract.

2.5 Employees and Former Employees

Crypto Hub Lithuania processes the personal data of members, employees, former employees, self-employed persons/employees employed by Crypto Hub Lithuania, and (potential) business relations, including clients, suppliers, and subcontractors who provide services for or on behalf of Crypto Hub Lithuania. The data collected depends on your relationship with the association or the services you use within it. The data is used for purposes such as salary payments, mobile phone number registration, mobility, and insurance. For these purposes, we collect the following data:
- Name
- Address
- Contact details, including email address and telephone number
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Nationality
- National register number
- Gender
- Language
- Details of qualifications, skills, experience, and employment history, including start and end dates, with previous employers and the organization
- Information about pay and benefits
- Bank account number
- Information about marital status, next of kin, dependents, and emergency contacts
- Employment contract

We process this information based on the execution of a contract. 

2.6 Business Connections

During any interaction with you, we may collect personal data for business and marketing purposes, including events (collecting business cards) and contacting Crypto Hub Lithuania Association or you as a contact point for collaboration with your company. For this purpose, we collect the following data:
- Company information (name, address, sector...)
- Contact details (name, email address, and/or phone number...)
- Job title
- Notes on our meetings/conversations/history in general
- Contact information, including billing

We process this information based on our legitimate interests. 

2.7 Cookies

Our website uses cookies to facilitate rendering and functioning. For more information on our use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. We process this information based on legitimate interest. 

2.8 Training

Crypto Hub Lithuania organizes workshop sessions that individuals and representatives of a company can subscribe to. For this purpose, we collect the following data:
- Full name
- Email address
- Company name
- Bank information 

We may also ask attendees of the training for feedback to improve our training activities. For this purpose, we anonymously collect the following data:
- Feedback

We process this information based on the execution of a contract.

3. Do We Share or Transfer Your Personal Data?

We actively and passively share data with affiliated third parties to assist in our daily activities. Active sharing means the third party processes the information as input in our collaboration, while passive sharing means the third party provides and hosts a service/software, but does not process the information as input in our collaboration.

Our active sharing collaborations are:
- Telia Lithuania, AB uses data for mobile phone number registration purposes commissioned by Crypto Hub Lithuania for its employees.

 Our passive-sharing collaborations are:
- Eventbrite is used for organizing training purposes. CryptoHub Lithuania actively processes the information, while Eventbrite hosts the website for registration.
- MS Office 365 is used for digital communication purposes. Crypto Hub Lithuania actively processes the information, while Microsoft hosts the software.
- MS Dynamics is used for customer relationship management purposes. Crypto Hub Lithuania actively processes the information, while Microsoft hosts the software.
- Mailerlite is used for newsletter purposes. Crypto Hub Lithuania actively processes the information, while Mailerlite hosts the software.
- Webflow is used for website visit experience feedback. Crypto Hub Lithuania actively processes the information, while Webflow hosts the software.
- Google Analytics is used for website traffic analysis. Crypto Hub Lithuania actively processes the information, while Google hosts the software.
- MS Teams is used for web conferencing purposes. Crypto Hub Lithuania actively processes the information, while Microsoft hosts the software.

For each third party, we have a data processing agreement governing the use and protection of your personal data. Besides the affiliated third parties, we use social media and their plugins, enabling you to interact with our content and employees. We won't disclose your personal data to social media partners without your consent. 

4. Techniques Used to Protect Your Personal Data

Crypto Hub Lithuania has implemented technical and organizational measures appropriate to the obtained personal data. The safeguards aim to secure your personal data from loss and unauthorized access, copying, use, or modification. Technical measures include anti-virus, firewalls, authentication, encrypted hard disks, access restrictions, data encryption, and secure backups. Organizational measures include access for specific persons, internal Privacy Policy for employees, employee training, confidentiality clauses, and incident & data breach management.

5. Data Transfers

We may transfer your personal data to parties outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In such cases, we ensure your personal data is processed in countries with similar data protection standards, or we implement appropriate safeguards, such as using specific contracts approved by the European Commission or relying on the EU-US Privacy Shield for data transfers to the US.

6. Data Retention

We retain your data for as long as necessary for the purposes we collected it. In some cases, we may anonymize your personal data for research or statistical purposes. The retention period may vary depending on the data type and legal obligations. For specific retention periods, refer to the relevant section in this Privacy Policy.

7. Your Rights

Under the GDPR, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

7.1 Right to Be Informed

You have the right to receive clear, concise, and transparent information about how we process your personal data. This Privacy Policy provides you with the necessary details.

7.2 Right to Access

You have the right to request information about the personal data we process concerning you. This includes the purpose, the categories ofpersonal data, retention periods, and any third-party recipients.

7.3 Right to Rectification

If you believe your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request its correction. 

7.4 Right to Erasure (Right to Be Forgotten)

You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data under certain circumstances, such as when the data is no longer necessary for the original purpose or when processing is based on your consent.

 7.5 Right to Restrict Processing

You have the right to request the restriction of processing under certain circumstances, for example, while verifying the accuracy of your personal data.

7.6 Right to Data Portability

You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit it to another data controller.

7.7 Right to Object to Processing

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in specific situations.

7.8 Automated Individual Decision-Making, Including Profiling

You have the right not to be subject to automated decision-making based solely on automated processing, including profiling,which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly affects you.

7.9 Right of Appeal to a Supervisory Authority

If you believe our processing of your personal data infringes data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. 

8. Amendments to the Privacy Policy

As technology evolves, we may update this Privacy Policy regularly. We will keep you informed of important changes through our website or other communication channels. We encourage you to consult the latest version of this Privacy Policy online.